Ramsey Law, PLLC
LGBTQIA+ Friendly Attorney in San Antonio
Proudly serving the community with probate, estate planning, wills, and trusts related legal services.
About This Page
You might wonder my motivations behind creating this page. I will explain my reasoning.
1) I have received many calls over the years where the person on the other end of the line has to ask me if I am comfortable working with people in this community. It saddens me that the question needs to be asked, but I understand the concern and want to confirm that this office is a safe space. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
2) Members of this community need documents that protect their wishes more than ever. We can’t control what Texas Congress or the Supreme Court will do, but the right attorney can draft around some of the scary what-ifs.
The purpose of this page is not to drum up business for the firm. Find an attorney who you feel comfortable with and trust. Ask all of the questions until you know the person you hire is going to take good care of you. I have talked to people who only want to hire an attorney who is a member of this community (not just an ally) and that is understandable. The most important thing I want readers to take from this is:
1) you need estate planning documents prepared by an experienced estate planning/probate attorney;
2) this attorney should include special language to account for possible changes in the law that could affect the legal status of relationships in the future; and
3) this attorney should be able to explain the pricing, process, and your options to you in a way that is respectful and that you understand. There is no one-size fits all document. An attorney who doesn’t focus on this area of law or simply plugs names into standard forms is not going to be the best fit if you want to be protected from all possible angles, regardless of their other positive qualities.
If you do want to consider this firm as an option to assist with your estate planning needs, you can find more information below.
Legal Services
Legal Services:
Ramsey Law proudly serves the LGBTQIA+ community. Attorney areas of practice include probate, estate planning, wills, trusts, powers of attorney, directives to physicians, and related services. More information can be found under Legal Services.

The Center is the heart and home of San Antonio’s LGBT community, providing programs for health, wellness and community connection.
This guide is intended to help any faculty, graduate, or undergraduate student find resources in LGBTQ (Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Questioning) Studies.
The Trevor Project is a suicide prevention organization for LGBTQ+ youths.
PFLAG San Antonio connects members of the community to local resources.
The Safe Zone Project is a Free Online Resource for Powerful, Effective LGBTQ Awareness and Ally Training Workshops
LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.
Thrive Youth Center provides resources to members of the community experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness.

Other Professionals
Do you need a recommendation for a CPA, financial advisor, or other professional you can trust? I am happy to provide recommendations.
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